
Welcome to Stephen Richardson Herpetoculture! This site is dedicated to the hobby of herpetoculture and sharing all aspects of the hobby with my friends, family, and fellow herpers. If you want to buy a snake from me, then you can use the phone number below to text me. I can chat on the phone as long as I am not teaching or field herping. Text me first; I do screen my calls. For information on me and the hobby check out the About Stephen page. If you want to do business with me, then please read my Terms page. I have permits to breed, import, and export California rosy boas and kingsnakes. I only sell snakes and ship in the US. Check out the boas that I have for sale on my Boas For Sale page.

The 2025 season is going to be wild! I am breeding a lot of boas this coming year. Below is a list of what I plan on breeding. Hopefully it all pans out!
Rosy Boas:
Amelanistic Whitewater and Het Snow White
Limburg Amelanistic
Limburg Snow
Pioneer Town Anerythiristic
Hypo Cabazon
True Ghost (Hypo Cabazon cross Pioneer
Town Anerythiristic)
Randy Wright's Golden Rosy Boa
Magdalena Plains
San Marcos
Triv Albinos
Randy Wright's Golden Albino
Boa Sigma and Boa Imperator:
Sonoran and Hypo Sonoran
Sonoran Leopard and Hypo Sonoran Leopard
Hog Island